The Genesis Order [Android]
The Genesis Order marks the newest installment in the narrative series created by NLT, following the initial Lust Epidemic and its sequel, Treasure of Nadia. As Treasure of Nadia concludes, The Genesis Order opens a brand-new chapter, set to debut later in 2021. This upcoming game will reintroduce players to some characters they've grown familiar with, alongside the introduction of 13 new female characters. Taking on the role of an up-and-coming junior detective, players will navigate the challenges of their profession, immerse themselves in crime-solving, and forge connections with a bevy of beautiful women. True to NLT's style, the story is rife with unexpected developments and intricate plot twists.
Set in the contemporary city of North Santiva, which has risen from the ruins of an ancient tribal settlement, the game promises a realm brimming with enigmas. The player's journey commences with a murder investigation, thrusting them into the center of an exhilarating tale where they play a detective eager to prove his worth to his stunning superior. As they delve deeper into the narrative, players will encounter an array of captivating women, unlock erotic abilities, and face a rampant sexual contagion afflicting the city.
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