Love by the Water game thumbnail game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot

Love by the Water [Android]

President's Ambition
The protagonist, a devoted book enthusiast brought up by his fisherman parent, is tethered to the sea by a peculiar bond that has prevented him from exploring the world beyond his coastal home. With the dawn of tomorrow comes a new beginning, as the town's school adjacent to the pier reopens its doors under the auspices of a rich industrial magnate who has acquired the former site. Seizing this chance, the protagonist, who is largely self-educated and lacks social finesse, steps outside his comfort zone to forge friendships, all while concealing the clandestine truth of his family's legacy.

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Project QT
Changelog (v0.1)
– 7,000 lines of code
– 2,250 renders
– 40 animations
– 30 unique music tracks
– 155 unique sound effects
Demo hot-fix
– Complete code re-write to fix some lag and crash issues
Pre-release demo (0.001)
– New story
– 1,100 new images
– 3,700+ new lines of code
Rating: 10/10
1 votes
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