Project: Possible game thumbnail game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot game screenshot

Project: Possible [Android]

Patch 15
President's Ambition
Following an unexpected incident that reverses your age to that of a young adult, you embrace the identity of one of Kim Possible's most iconic adversaries. Devising the optimal strategy to conquer her once and for all, you relocate to her hometown and join her school. Your approach this time targets her emotions rather than physical confrontation. While the concept is straightforward, maintaining a subdued presence proves challenging for a criminal genius like yourself, and before long, you find yourself amidst an intricate web of Kim Possible's allies and adversaries. Navigating these complex relationships falls on your shoulders as you encounter a diversity of characters, each with their own story arcs and potential outcomes. Your choices will determine how you engage with these individuals, as you strive to accomplish your villainous objectives without drawing undue attention to yourself.

Project QT
Changelog (Patch 15)
– New Kim content added
– New Shego content added
– Even more new Shego content added (there’s a lot of Shego this patch)
– New Tara content added (also a lot)
– Tons of story stuff added
– 50 unique images added
– Game size reduced by 50-ish percent by using black magic and rituals
– Fixed a bunch of bugs
– Made a bunch of QoL changes
– Home menu now won’t go below UI
– Questlog now has the current step at the top instead of at the bottom (This was harder than you’d think)
– Softlock fixed for real this time
– Spelling errors fixed
– Other spelling errors not fixed
– Artist = in a coma
Rating: 9.5/10
32 votes
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